Sunday, November 17, 2013

The Bitch is Back (again)

Hello to all, this fine November Sunday.

I write to you from the comfort of my bed.
Why is this a necessary opening for this post? Will it be sexy? Are there bedroom antics involved?

Sadly, dear reader, this particular post is not fantastically sexy.
However, it will explain the distinct paucity of posts, during the past week.

I have been into and out of the hospital for the emergency removal of my gall bladder after (unknowingly) fighting a massive internal infection.

Like I said, it ain't a sexy post.

While I'll spare everyone the gory details, the gist is this:
I came through surgery only a little worse for wear, and I'm recovering/recuperating/getting back into the swing of things slowly, but surely.
(You can call me Shirley. It's really ok.)

While in the hospital, I had the privilege of being cared for by many attentive staff and some downright endearing folk who didn't shy away from my drugged-up and honestly-Kinky self.

It's always exciting to realize that people in this world are, in fact, capable of judging one another based on the way we behave rather than on what we do for a living.

I also got to discuss alternative safe-words in the wee hours of the morning with a downright hilarious phlebotomist. "There's no fighting in the war room!"

Here's to a rapid turn around and the continuation of zee blog!

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